Howdy All! This
website is meant to be a humorous website about the trials of school.
I know we all have had them, from roommates that keep you up until all
hours of the night when you have an 8:00 A.M. exam, to professors that
don't appear to actually teach anything outside of the powerpoint and
then want you to know so much more come exam time. Moments of
breakthroughs and times when you could slam your head against the
wall. While these times may be trying, they are the moments that you
look back upon and remember fondly, even when all of the actual
knowledge that the class was meant to impart is completely gone. So
treasure each moment that you can.
Anyway, not really certain exactly how this website will go in the future, though at the moment I imagine more comics and random entries. Perhaps even some fictional characters facing the rigors of school. As you can see, I have included a link to my main actual more serious website, but also a contact link for if you have recommendations for fun stuff. Otherwise, once there are a few more things made I will make links to them in the menu. With enough support, who knows, maybe even will be able to take the time to make some games based off these situations.